the m'cheyne plan
Robert Murray M'Cheyne (1813-1843), a Scottish pastor, put together a plan to take his congregation through the New Testament and Psalms twice and through the Old Testament once, each year. I heard about it for the first time in Martyn Lloyd-Jones' biography which I read in 1985, and have since then followed it myself. My parents had their own system for reading through the Bible once each year, which they foisted on me from an early age, and I found this change of plans refreshing and liberating. I've stayed with it all these years, and have now successfully imposed it on my son, who's followed it these past 5 years. I think it's a wonderful practice, to read through the whole Bible once each year, no matter what system you pick - and there are many.
If you use the M'Cheyne plan, Don Carson has two books that are very helpful, containing single-page meditations & reflections on each day's readings. I used them to much gain for several years.
The publishers of the ESV have an excellent and easy way to follow the M'Cheyne plan. I've used their feed to roll my own, which you'll see on the right under lectio.