bits of barth

Barth, CD I/1 10:51 am

"recall John the Baptist in Grünewald's Crucifixion, especially his prodigious index finger"

10:52 am

"could anyone point away from himself more impressively & completely?"

10:54 am

"we do the Bible poor and unwelcome honour if we equate it directly with this other, with revelation itself"

10:57 am

"the direct identification between revelation and the Bible... takes place... when & where the biblical word becomes God's Word"

11:16 am

"thus in the event of God's Word revelation and the Bible are indeed one, and literally so"

11:19 am

"on the one hand Deus dixit, on the other Paulus dixit. These are two different things"

11:56 am

barth's gospel -

1:44 pm

"[the act of revelation] is the condition which conditions all things without itself being conditioned"

5:38 pm

"to say revelation is to say: the Word became flesh" btw, I apologize (sort of) for the tweets. the practice is proving helpful for me, but I feel badly about cluttering your feed...

5:49 pm

(2) "... both renounce any foundation apart from that which God has given once and for all by speaking."

5:49 pm

(1) "As the Bible bears witness to God's revelation and as Church proclamation takes up this witness in obedience..."

8:30 pm

"[the Word of God] is one and the same whether we understand it as revelation, Bible or proclamation"

8:43 pm

"the revealed Word of God we know only from the Scriptures adopted by Church proclamation"

8:44 pm

"the written Word of God we know only through the revelation which fulfills proclamation"

8:45 pm

"the preached Word of God we know only through the revelation attested in Scripture"

8:49 pm

"revelation, Scripture, proclamation : Father, Son, Holy Spirit"

10:38 pm

"the Word of God has natural force too. but primarily & preeminently & decisively it has the simple spiritual power of truth."

10:50 pm

"He is Lord of the wording of His Word. He is not bound to it but it to Him. He can use it or not use it..."

10:53 pm

"what Holy Scripture proclaims as His Word can be proclaimed in a new wording as His Word so long as it is He Himself who speaks..."

11:41 pm

"when God's Word is heard & proclaimed, something takes place that for all our hermeneutical skill cannot be brought about by [it]"

11:53 pm

"this is also and especially true of preaching among both coloured and white heathens" say what?


bits of barth


barth's gospel