bits of barth
Barth CD I/2 9:43 am
"In eternity when we see God face to face, either we will be those who love, or we will not be"
"Wherever the Christian life in commission or omission is good before God, the good thing about it is love"
"the Holy Spirit is the love of the Father for the Son, & the love of the Son for the Father, & it is this Spirit who is given to us"
"Not every man is in fact what it is decisive to be: Israel elect & loved of God... whose Head is Jesus Christ"
"If no one can hear without being a child of God, no one can be a child of God without ever hearing anew"
"Love to God consists decisively in recognising that we have nothing of our own to offer Him"
"Being loved by Him, and having Him as our Lord, we have no future apart from Him, and therefore no future without love"
"Thou shalt love can only mean: thou shalt not try to evade or escape thy future as opposed to thy present"
"where there is no otherness of the one who is loved, where the one who loves is alone, he does not really love"
"Our self-love can never be anything right or holy & acceptable to God. It is an affection which is the very opposite of love"
"The man who loves God will let himself be told & will himself confess that he is not in any sense righteous as one who loves"
"H.F. Kohlbrügge: the more the love of God increases in the heart, the more knowledge there is of inability... of unwillingness"
the sorrowful marks of the love of God in the children of God:
seeking & finding; finding & distancing :
"[Mt 5:48] is not a law which crushes & kills... it is the promise & form of the Gospel in the Law... news, glad & comforting"
feeling smugly superior reading barth on not making "certain anthropologico-theological presuppositions which are quite illegitimate"
"Love to God is the quintessence & hypostasised expression of what we know in a concretely perceptible & practical form as love to man"
"the commandment of love to the neighbour is enclosed by that of love to God. it is contained in it"
"we cannot understand the 'thou shalt' apart from the promise 'thou wilt'"
"if it is a real miracle that we can love God, it is necessarily a real miracle that we can love our neighbour"
on Luke 10:29 "this is a point at which Calvin's exegesis is obviously wide of the mark." obviously!
barth & the social gospel:
"for it is this actual misery of man, the curse of an attempt to live which is fore-doomed to failure..."
"but this neighbor will cause me a really mortal headache"