church dogmatics I/1

Barth's outline:

The Doctrine of the Word of God


§ 1. The Task of Dogmatics § 2. The Task of Prolegomena to Dogmatics

Chapter I. The Word as the Criterion of Dogmatics

§3. Church Proclamation as the Material of Dogmatics §4. The Word of God in its Threefold Form §5. The Nature of the Word of God §6. The Knowability of the Word of God §7. The Word of God, Dogma & Dogmatics

Chapter II. The Revelation of God

Part I. The Triune God

§8. God in His Revelation §9. The Triunity of God §10. God the Father §11. God the Son §12. God the Holy Spirit


My bits of Barth:

April 29, 2011 [9]
April 30, 2011 [3]
May 1, 2011 [14]
May 2, 2011 [21]
May 3, 2011 [1]
May 4, 2011 [19]
May 5, 2011 [4]
May 6, 2011 [35]


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