the sermon on the mount

Craig Keener, in his excellent commentary on Matthew, says "more than thirty-six discrete views exist" on the Sermon on the Mount.


He quotes Blomberg (1992) summarizing the most critical of these:

    The predominant medieval view, reserving a higher ethic for clergy, especially in monastic orders;

    ​Luther's view that the sermon represents an impossible demand like the law;

    ​The Anabaptist view, which applies the teachings literally for the civil sphere;

    ​The traditional liberal social gospel position;

    ​Existentialist interpreters' application of the sermon's specific moral demands as a more general challenge to decision;

    ​Schweitzer's view that the sermon embodies an interim ethic rooted in the mistaken expectation of imminent eschatology;

    ​The traditional dispensational application to a future millennial kingdom; and

    ​Blomberg's and others' view of an "inaugurated eschatology", "in which the sermon's ethic remains the ideal or goal... but which will never be fully realized until the consummation of the kingdom..."


